Monterey Pacific
I have used GroPoint sensors and dataloggers to schedule deficit irrigation over thousands of acres of premium winegrapes since 1999. The data on soil moisture status has proved accurate and consistent during and between seasons. Importantly, running a network of 80+ sensors over this time, I have had only 2 sensors and one logger fail from non-mechanical causes. I also have a network of [competitive] loggers/sensors, which demonstrated a 15-25% failure rate in the first 2 seasons.
Doug Beck, PhD
Vineyard Manager
Monterey Pacific Inc.
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KR Brown and Associates
The instrument receives a fair amount of ‘abuse’, being carted over logging slash, through salmonberry and other brush vegetation and has been used in the rain. However, it has been rugged and reliable. The measurements generated are believable and repeatable and nicely relate to patterns of precipitation occurring at the site.
Kevin Brown
PhD, R.P.Bio., P.Ag.
KR Brown and Associates
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Ewing Irrigation
This is what I openly say to not only my customers but also to NRCS engineers and other interested parties: ‘I believe that the GroPoint sensor provides the best value to my customer because of its accuracy, reliability and the fact that it requires no additional maintenance or calibration once installed.’
David Bower
Branch Manager
Ewing Irrigation
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Maricopa Agricultural Center
I like these probes because they have given us good reliability and have been out in the Arizona heat for almost three years, with little or no trouble. The ability to make a single insertion and get distinct soil moisture profiles, i.e., 0-30 cm, 30-60 cm, etc., has given us the advantage of minimal soil disturbance while getting reliable soil moisture values.
Edward C. Martin, PhD
Professor & Extension Specialist, Dep. Ag. & Biosystems Engineering
Maricopa Agricultural Center
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New Mexico State University
The alternative to [the GroPoint Profile] is trenching with horizontal insertion of numerous (short) probes. The effort of trenching alone is a deterrent, and the disturbance of soil and root systems is yet more of a deterrent. I find it difficult to fathom why a researcher would use this alternative.
Vincent P. Gutschick
Professor of Biology
New Mexico State University
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